Hi friend.

My name is Millan Singh.

Millan Singh is sitting at a high-counter with a mug that says "Do Epic Shit" on it.

I'm a Senior Software Engineer by day and a Creative Entrepreneur and Writer by night, and you've stumbled on my little slice of the internet. Let's get to know each other, shall we?

I design and create web-based software

I feel so incredibly fortunate to have found something I truly love so early in life. Ever since my dad first showed me how to code in Visual Basic when I was 7 years old, I've been fascinated with programming and building digital things!

Eventually, I evolved into a full-stack software engineer, primarily focusing on user-facing feature development. My personal favorite tech stack is React / Next.js / Firebase / Node.js, a stack I've grown to love over time and experience working within multiple widely different stacks.

These days I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Playground, a back-office management platform for childcare providers and early childhood education centers, leading development on their next product: a CRM product built specifically for their customer base.

Before Playground, I was a Founding Software Engineer at P0 Security, a cloud-native identity governance product built for enterprise tech companies to manage their cloud identity posture.

My Story

Some of the products I've worked on



Brand management and design system automation software, helping organizations design better brands and maintain their brand standards.

Learn more

P0 Security

Founding Software Engineer

Cloud-native identity governance software, helping organizations secure their identity posture in the cloud and eliminate poorly-configured or poorly-managed IAM, a leading cause of major security incidents.

Learn more

Work with me on your product

Need technical expertise with your product? I may be able to help with:

  • MVP development of new products
  • Technical architecture design in products using Firebase as their data storage layer
  • Marketing site development, especially for software products
  • Hiring early engineers (technical interviewing and candidate screening)

Additionally, if you'd just like to get some 1:1 time to work through a problem, strategize, or otherwise learn from my experience, I charge a simple hourly rate.

Get in touch

Join me on my journey

I'm trying to share my journey: the wins, the setbacks, and the lessons learned along the way. You'll get emails when I publish new blog stories sharing what I learn about tech, career development, engineering, business, and more, as well as occasional updates on the products I build.

Work with me